In this pet organization video I show you how to organize dog supplies, food, and toys for efficient and easy dog supply storage! And you also get to meet Mojo, [...]


In this video I show you how to store rainbow loom rubber bands so everything stays neat and organized in a case that won’t spill when dropped and can be [...]


In this video I show you step-by-step how to clean out your locker for end of school or the end of each quarter or semester so you can get organized! [...]


In this video, I show you how to setup a homework organization caddy for students for back-to-school! A “homework organization caddy” is where you have all of the school supplies [...]


This is my first vlog in which I help my roommate from college Ashley organize her classroom for back-to-school! We also tour the school together looking for teachers who are [...]


In this pencil case organization video I show you how to organize your pencil case if you’re in middle school or high school and also how to organize your pencil [...]


I was always the student in middle school and high school who had the reallllllly organized locker! So doing a locker organization video was so exciting for me! In this [...]


In this video series I show you my back to school supplies haul for 2013-14 from three different stores! I went shopping at Dollar Tree, Walmart, and Target to try [...]


In this video series I show you my back to school supplies haul for 2013-14 from three different stores! I went shopping at Dollar Tree, Walmart, and Target to try [...]


In this video I show you my back to school supplies haul for 2013-14 from three different stores! I went shopping at Dollar Tree, Walmart, and Target to try and [...]


In this organization video I show you tips on how to get organized for back to school by setting up your binder and notes in two ways: 1) in a [...]


In this video I show you an easy (and fun) way to teach your kids where things belong! Of course there are so many things you need to do when [...]


In this video I show you one way to organize school supplies or home office supplies using over-the-door organizing pockets. PRODUCTS USED: Photo Labels Door Pockets [...]


Show your family you love them this Valentine’s Day by getting them organized! Here are 3 tips for taking the first step to a more harmonious house! And for more [...]


If you’re a mom with young kids, you’re probably bombarded with the plethora of artwork your kids are bringing home from school! In this video I share a few ways [...]


I used to loooooove back to school shopping when I was in school! There was nothing more refreshing than a brand new start to the school year with fresh new [...]


Here’s a video tour of my craft closet in my new home! I loooove how this space came out. It took awhile to setup (mainly because I was trying to [...]


If you know me well, you know I am picky when it comes to selecting organizing supplies. In this video, I show you the best binders and dividers to use [...]


One of my favorite organizing products are door pocket organizers from Simply Stashed (however, on sale at for the next 30 days). I use them around my house for [...]


How to creatively organize stickers in a craft space with professional organizer Alejandra Costello [...]


About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times,, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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