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If you feel overwhelmed by the piles of paperwork in your home or office, and are procrastinating getting started, this page is intended to support you in your journey to [...]


It’s hard to believe spring is almost over and we’re headed into the summer months. If you missed the ball on “spring cleaning” – have no fear, there’s still time [...]


If you want to see results at home, there’s something you need to do. And that’s take action! But you probably already know that… But what creates action? Simply put, [...]


In the midst of decluttering, organizing, or tidying up the house, the bedroom is one of those spaces that can easily be forgotten about or de-prioritized. It’s usually upstairs [...]


No matter how messy a home is, here are 8 ways clutter can remind us to stop and be grateful. 1. Money – At each point in time, for every [...]


The holiday season is a lovely time to be around people. But when the house is a mess, it’s easy to hide inside and avoid inviting guests over (or hesitate [...]


The holidays are supposed to be magical. The sights. The sounds. The smells. It’s why we use words like “wonderland”, “miracle”, and “merry”. But maybe, for you, the holidays just [...]


Register for a FREE session here! [...]


The video below is a bonus video from my 10-part Paper Clutter Organizing video series. In this video I teamed up with Certified Evernote Consultant, Charles Bryd, to bring you [...]


In this video I show you how to setup and organize your computer desktop/screen, files, and folders so you can stay efficient and easily find what you need! You can [...]


In this video I show you how to organize sentimental papers (greeting cards, artwork, report cards, photos, letters, etc.) so you easily flip through, find things, and enjoy reminiscing on [...]


In this video I show you how to organize articles from magazines, clippings, notes, and other literature you’re saving to read someday! You can watch the entire series and find [...]


In this video I show you how to organize tax documents, paperwork, and receipts at home or in your office so you can stay organized for tax season! This is [...]


In this video I show you how to organize important documents at home or in your office so you can quickly and easily find your most vital records/paperwork in an [...]


In this video I show you how to organize project papers in your office or at home so you can stay focused and on track! This is part 5 of [...]


In this sponsored video I show you the best scanner to go paperless with your documents, receipts, photos, and other small pieces of paper in your home or office using [...]


In this video I show you how to organize mail and bills in your office or at home so you can stay on top of your incoming paperwork and documents! [...]


In this video I show you two ways to organize your files and documents in your office so you can easily find what you’re looking for when you need it! [...]



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