In this video I show you how to pack toiletries for travel so you stay organized and efficient while you’re away on vacation!

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Hi, everyone. I’m Alejandra from Alejandra.TV. And in this video, I’m going to show how to pack your toiletries if you’re travelling.

But first, if you’re looking to get organized, you can check out my free organizing video series.

One of the things when it comes to packing your toiletries is if you leave packing for last minute and end up just like shoving things inside your cosmetic bag. You might have spills or you might have left something. But either way, I’m going to show you what I do.

Packing Toiletries in the Right Travel Bag

I recently switched my cosmetic bag. I was using one before which I talked about and I’ve shown a few times. But there was something that was kind of bugging me about it, but I never knew what it was. But I finally realized that it’s because it doesn’t stand on its own and it takes up a lot of counter space and I finally realized that like a few months ago. I made the switch to a new one that stands on its own. I still love Baggallini. Unfortunately, they don’t make a standing bag, cosmetic bag organizer.

So I found one that I really like. It has all the compartments that I’m looking for. It stands on its own. It’s nice and soft. Let me show you everything that’s in here. All right. So, I have my makeup inside here which I’ll go into more detail in a second. But basically, what I’ve done is I’ve transferred all of my big shampoo bottles and conditioner and body wash bottles into smaller, travel size containers that are leak-proof.

Travel Size Toiletry Bottles

So for a while for like the past five years, I’ve been using these little travel organizers right here. And recently, they started leaking. I don’t know what was going on. I don’t know if maybe the seal got loose or something. But they started leaking and so I had to switch and find a different solution. So these are the Nalgene, the 2-ounce bottles. Unfortunately, they don’t make 3-ounce. You can either get 2-ounce or 4 ounces. So if you’re carrying on, 2-ounce is a good size.

But all I did was label each shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash with what it was as my label maker. If you don’t have a label maker, you can just write it on and stick a clear packing tape on top of it. And so, you could just create your own label. But I put everything inside of a Ziploc bag so in case it does spill, it will not mess up everything else. But it hasn’t spilled so far. All right. So those go there.

Travel First-Aid Kit

The next thing I have here is this first-aid kit. So basically, I just like made my own first-aid kit out of a free dentist bag. You know like the goodie bag you get when you go to the dentist? I always get this every time I go to my dentist so I felt really bad tossing these so I try to reuse them. And it works perfectly for a first-aid kit in your travel bag.

So inside here, I just have different like – everyone is going to have a different first-aid kit but basically, the stuff I have is like Advil and I just reuse this container every time. I just refill it. Then there’s like bandage, Neosporin, stuff for my stomach, there’s tampon, there is wipes, there is stain remover then like a few other things. All right. So that kind of just like hangs out in the middle.

Tips for Packing Toiletries

My lotion, so I will not bring this big thing a lotion if I’m carrying my bag on. But if I do check my bag, I always put a big lotion inside of a big bag so in case it does spill, nothing else gets dirty.

My razor, so I found this like perfect razor box at Dollar Tree. It’s actually a vitamin organizer and I just took out the inserts and my razor fits perfectly inside. And now, I’m not going to like have any sharp edges to reach into and risk like cutting myself or something. So it just fits nicely in there. It doesn’t take up a lot of space.

I put my Q-tips inside of a reusable prescription bottle because they fit perfectly and they’re like not going to get dusty and dirty and stuff. You can also reuse these things for like safety pins or for medication or for makeup.

Then like deodorant and shaving cream. There’s floss, face lotion, again, goes into the same Nalgene bottle that’s leak-proof. It has a nice, tight seal and then I just put a label in the outside for face lotion.

OK. Then I love to use these little baggies for again, storing other like smaller things. So these are sharp so I put them in a plastic bag. But it’s my scissors and my tweezers. Again, if I was going to check my bag, I would carry these. If I’m carrying them on, you can’t bring tweezers. So that wouldn’t be in there.

And then my vitamin organizer, I put a rubber band around it so in case these little doors open, the vitamins don’t fall out and get dirty and dusty and stuff. So it just creates a nice, tight seal.

So that is really what’s inside the main compartments.

Organizing Makeup for Travel

Let me show you the makeup. So makeup, I do like the same thing. I use these little baggies to kind of contain everything just like that. And you can use like button bags or smaller than this but I always save my button bags or like the bags like the extra pieces of thread comes on when you buy a shirt. And I use them for travelling or around the house and stuff. This particular size, I purchased. But yeah, button bags work great.

I always put my eyeliner in a bag like this because this always, I don’t know how but it always leaks and there’s always black ink all over my bag.

That’s really everything. Everything else is just again, in baggies and they all go inside this makeup organizer.

So I found that every time I travel, I always – like for a while, I was always over packing. And now, I just bring the essentials, what I need, nothing more and nothing less because I rather carry a lighter bag and risk not having something than carry something heavy throughout the airport on the trip and have everything just in case. All right. So that’s that.

And then I’ve shown this organizer before. This came with my Zuca bag. These inserts came with the suitcase. But I just put my two brushes inside and then my two things that I use for my hair tonic lotion and straight blow dry cream.

Quick Packing Tip

One of the things I do to make packing faster and easier is I keep a lot of the things that are in here in this cosmetic bag. So for example, a few items will stay inside the bag permanently. So the majority of the time, I’ll have the bag already packed. It’s just a matter of adding a few extra things like deodorant and some makeup and then like my vitamin organizer and stuff. But everything else stays inside to make it nice and fast to pack and get ready for my trip.

And then my flat iron goes inside this nice heat resistant Baggallini organizer. So basically, you can put a hot flat iron in here and nothing is going to get burned, damaged because the bag is heat resistant.

So, is there something that you do that’s really cool when you travel to stay organized and stay efficient? If so, leave a comment below and let us know what that is. And if this is your first time watching any of my videos, you can check out my website, Alejandra.TV for more tips on getting organized.

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you soon. Bye!

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times,, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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