In this video I show you how I store my gift wrap and organize some of my craft supplies in my home office. This is part 7 of a 9-part home office organization series. Parts 8 through 9 are coming soon!

Click here to watch Part 1 (How to Organize Your Office Files)

Click here to watch Part 2 (How to Organize Your Desk)

Click here to watch Part 3 (How to Organize Your Desk Drawers)

Click here to watch Part 4 (How to Organize Your Mail)

Click here to watch Part 5 (How to Organize Your Office Closet)

Click here to watch Part 6 (How to Hide Wires & Cables)

Click here to watch Part 8 (How to Organize Small Things)

Click here to watch Part 9 (How to Organize Batteries)

Click here to view all our Home Office Organizing & Paper Management videos

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Video Details

Hi, everyone. I’m Alejandra from Organize & Flow. And in this video, I’m going to show you how I organize my wrapping paper and my crafts in my craft organizer.

Organizing Wrapping Paper

One of the biggest things I see with organizing your wrapping paper is the wrapping paper tubes are not organized and the ends are wrinkled and torn and the papers are kind of crinkly, which defeats the purpose of wrapping a pretty gift. So I’m going to show you how I organize my wrapping paper. But first, I’m going to show you my craft organizer.

How to Organize Craft Paint and Ribbon

So I have this craft organizer on the wall that just holds like my acrylic paints and some craft supplies in here. And then it has like my ribbon for wrapping gifts right here. You just like pull it and cut it. It’s so simple and easy. And I have all of my duct tape for labelling things or just for color coding things when I’m organizing. The same thing with the dots, I use dots for color coding different things like setting up different systems in color-coded order.

Wall Mounted Craft Organizer

Wall Mounted Craft Organizer

And then since this is like my craft organizer, I wanted to find a way like a crafty way to display all of like the things that I create. So I mentioned in a previous video that I don’t do as many crafts as I used to do but I still do some. And when I do them, a lot of things I do is like painting these frames.

My sister and I started painting these frames a few years ago. And so, I kind of just display them up here as like reminders that I’m crafty and it’s just fun to display what you create. So I created this one a few years ago. This is just like Ed and I like a fun frame. My sister made this for me a few years ago. That’s my sister and me and we made this one together.

And then my friend, Ashley, had made this one for me in college and it’s kind of like ironic. She created this or she made this for me almost like ten years ago. And it was like before I started my whole organizing business. But it says, “Things that Handra loves.” Because she calls me Handra and it was like cleaning, to organize, having fun, color coding, and perfection. I found it – it’s at my parents’ house a few years ago. And I found it and I was like, “This is so funny. I need to hang this in my office because it’s all about organizing and color coding and just like cleaning and stuff. So I put that out there.

And then my grandfather painted these pictures like probably ten or so years ago. So those stay up there. But yeah, it’s just a nice way to display all of the things that you create. So that’s my craft organizer.

How to Organize Gift Wrap

Let me show you how I organize all of my wrapping paper in a creative, organized way. So over here is where I have like my whole gift wrapping station. I have this little mirror up here that has three hooks, scissors, this is like one of those – they’re kind of like scissors for wrapping paper. You just go like that and it cuts the wrapping paper. And then I have a tape right here.

DIY Gift Wrap Organizer

DIY Gift Wrap Organizer

So I put all of my wrapping paper inside of this free-standing basket that I just got from Home Goods. It’s out of the way and it just like holds all of the wrapping paper so nice and organized.

DIY Wrapping Paper Organizer

Now you’re probably wondering , “How are the wrapping paper tubes so straight up and why aren’t they falling over?” Well, when I got this basket and I put all the wrapping paper inside, at first I saw how all of the tubes were going sideways and they were crossing each other. And when you pulled one out, they would all fall over and move. It was hard to put them back in. So I was trying to figure out, “How can I get them to stand up straight and just be easier to pull out and put back in?”

DIY Wrapping Paper Organizer

DIY Wrapping Paper Organizer

I tried rice. I tried the floral beads and stuff. And that was all just a big mess. What I’ve done to get the gift wrap to stand up and not fall over is, I’ve taken Styrofoam cups that I got from the Dollar Store and I just punched the bottom out with scissors and pulled it out. Then I’ve glue gunned the cups to a piece of cardboard – I’ve taken a cardboard box, and I cut it into a circle to fit into the bottom of the hamper/basket. Then I took a glue gun and glued the bottoms of the cups to the cardboard, and then I placed the whole thing at the bottom of the basket. And now, the tubes just stick straight up inside of the Styrofoam cups.

So simple, so organized and now when I come here to grab a wrapping paper tube, I just pick it up. It’s right there. And then to put it back in, I just put it back in like that and it doesn’t fall over. It’s so easy. The ends don’t get torn or crinkled and it also limits me to how many tubes of wrapping paper I can buy – I can’t fit anymore in there. So I can’t buy another one until I finish one of the ones in the basket.

So another cool thing about using Styrofoam cups as storage is you’re actually reusing them for storage instead of throwing them out and putting them in a landfill. Another thing is a lot of recycling centers don’t accept Styrofoam so it’s hard to recycle. So if you can use them as storage, it’s a great way to just keep them and not toss them.

Another thing you can do with Styrofoam cups is line a bin for your holiday storage and put all your ornaments inside so they don’t touch each other and crack and get damaged. So, tons of cool ways to reuse Styrofoam cups for storage.

So that is how I organized all of my crafts and wrapping paper. If there is something that you do that you want to share to keep all your craft supplies or wrapping paper organized, leave a comment below and let us know. And if this is your first time watching any of my videos, you can subscribe to my channel for more home organizing tips or visit my website at

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you soon. Bye.

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times,, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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