In this video I show you how to organize coffee & tea in a beverage station in the kitchen. I love this system because it’s totally visual for the creative (you can actually SEE what you have), it’s super easy to use (less stress and frustration in the morning), and it’s easy to maintain (which means it’s actually easy to keep it organized)!

When you have easy-to-use systems in place in the kitchen, it makes the morning a lot smoother and more efficient which means you can actually get out the door on-time ready to start another productive day!

Hope you enjoy the video 🙂

Video Details

Hi, everyone. I’m Alejandra from Alejandra.TV. And in this video, I’m going to show you how to set up a beverage station in your kitchen.

But before we begin, if you are looking to get organized, you can check out my free organizing video series.

How to Organize a Beverage Station

One of the biggest problems with the coffee and the tea in the kitchen is being able to make it fast, being able to find what you’re looking for and have it all in one spot as opposed to running around the kitchen trying to grab different things from different places and running into people and stuff.

I’m going to show you how I’ve set up a whole coffee and tea station inside my kitchen.

The first thing I when I come down in the morning to grab coffee or tea is come to the corner of my kitchen. That is where my coffeemaker is, and it kind of just sits in the corner on the counter. In the cabinet above the coffeemaker is where I have all of my mugs.

Magic Sliders

Magic Sliders

So the first thing I do with the coffeemaker is I always pull it out away from the cabinets because the steam, we don’t want the steam to go up in the cabinets. Because the coffeemaker is heavy I put magic sliders on the bottom of the coffeemaker to make it really easy to slide. When you add these sliders to something, they’re adhesive, it makes things just slide like butter.

You could do the same thing with your KitchenAid Mixer, because that’s really heavy, or you could do it with any other appliance in the kitchen that you normally pull out away from the cabinet. So you can just like see how easy it slides.

Then inside the drawer right below my keurig is where I have everything for my tea and coffee. So I just come right here, I open this drawer and I see exactly what I’m looking for. If I’m looking to drink tea, all the tea bags are right here, visible. All the flavors are like in my face. I can see exactly what I’m looking for.

How to Organize Coffee Pods

The coffee pods are the same way. I keep 16 pods total in the drawer and then I just refill it at the end of the week or at the end of two weeks, however long it takes to get through them. What I do is I have all of the coffee pods inside of a basket and I just refill it as needed.

How to Organize a Beverage Station

How to Organize a Beverage Station

Organizing Tea

So I love these dividers. The dividers are actually made for a dresser drawer or a drawer in your closet for socks and stuff. But what I love about them is you can adjust them. You can just move this one over to this little slot right here. You just create the size that you need. And they’re perfect for tea bags like this just looks so beautiful. Then I color-coded my tea bags and then I left – like I didn’t put one of these over here for like the tea jars like this one and for the hot chocolate and the sugar and then the cake cup which is back here.

And then I puttied down the drawer organizers so they don’t slide when you open and close the drawer. So that looks nice. And then I all the tea bags are facing the same way. So this is kind of like – this is a good tip, I feel. So I used to have all my tea bags inside of this thing and there was nothing wrong with this. This still works. I love this product. The reason I switched to the drawer system is because I wanted to drink more tea or start drinking more tea. And so, I wanted to have it more accessible and be able to see the flavors a lot more. So I switched to this system.

But when I was using this, I used to zigzag the tea bags so I would store one this way and then one upside down like that and then I would just like alternate back and forth to maximize space. But in this case, all of them are all facing forward because it’s easier to grab. Just come in and just grab it just like that. If they were zigzagged, it would be level and then it’s hard to grab. So that’s why I do that. So that’s the tea bag drawer.

Organizing Coffee Mugs

How to Organize Mugs

How to Organize Mugs

Let me show you where the mugs are. So the mugs are just in the cabinet right above the coffeemaker, right near the tea bags and stuff. So, coffee mugs are right here. The glasses are right here. And I just use a double shelf organizer to kind of break up all the space right here so you can see like these two shelves are really far apart from each other. But if you put a double shelf, it just creates a second shelf right here that wouldn’t normally exist. So, I just do that and they’re all right there, right by the coffeemaker and the tea bags.

So is there something that you do in your kitchen to make – making coffee and tea a lot easier or just streamline the process so it’s faster in the morning? If so, let us know what you do in the comments. And if this is your first time watching any of my home organizing videos, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel or visit my website, Alejandra.TV for more tips on getting organized.

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you soon. Bye.

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times,, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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