In this video I show you how I organize my home office closet where I store extra office supplies (e.g., paper, old planners, scrapbook boxes, craft supplies, etc) and gadgets (e.g., ink cartridges, USB sticks, wires, cords, etc). This is part 5 of a 9-part home office organization series. Parts 6 through 9 are coming soon!

Click here to watch Part 1 (How to Organize Your Office Files)

Click here to watch Part 2 (How to Organize Your Desk)

Click here to watch Part 3 (How to Organize Your Desk Drawers)

Click here to watch Part 4 (How to Organize Your Mail)

Click here to watch Part 6 (How to Hide Wires & Cables)

Click here to watch Part 7 (How to Store Gift Wrap)

Click here to watch Part 8 (How to Organize Small Things)

Click here to watch Part 9 (How to Organize Batteries)

Click here to view all our Home Office Organizing & Paper Management videos

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Video Details

Hi, everyone. I’m Alejandra from Organize & Flow. And in this video, I’m going to show you how to organize your office closet.

How to Organize Your Office Closet

When it comes to organizing your office closet, one of the biggest problems that I see and hear about is like all the supplies that you need organize in the closet or like all the wires and cords you need to contain or just like the extra stuff stuffed into a small office closet and nothing is really organized and it’s frustrating when it’s coming time to like access some stuff.

So let me show you what I do to kind of keep everything streamlined, efficient, organized, and beautiful. All right. So starting with the door right here, so my home office is it has a dual purpose of like the home office but also the craft room and the gift wrap materials.

Gift Bag Organization

So on the door right here, I’ve put a bungee cord. It’s like a bungee cord with hooks on it which I will put a link to all the products I’m going to show on my website.

But this just stays at the top of the door right here and all the gift bags just kind of hang right here. It’s nice and out of the way because you kind of want to keep your gift bags organized because you don’t want to give a gift with all the bags ripped and torn and crinkled and stuff, so they stay nice and intact right here.

And then on this over-door-hook up here, I just have all the wine bags to kind of like separate them out. But yeah, everything is just organized and out and out of the way.

How to Organize Printer Paper

Organize Office Paper & Supplies in a Hanging Sweater Organizer

Organize Office Paper & Supplies in a Hanging Sweater Organizer

So starting in the back corner back of the closet, I have all of my paper back-up paper, computer paper, colored paper, extra notebooks and stuff inside of this hanging sweater bag organizer. So I love this. I was trying to think , “How can I organize papers in here without having to like tear down all the shelving in this closet?” Because I would love to tear down the shelving but we’re renting the house. And so, that was not an option. So everything inside this closet is free-standing and it will just move with me once we moved to the new house.

So the sweater bag organizer is actually hanging backwards. It’s hanging on this middle shelf right here. Like this is the main rod. It’s not hanging on this rod because if it was, it would be too close to the wall and then you couldn’t pull anything out like easily. So I’m hanging that on the middle one backwards. It’s kind of a long explanation. But once something doesn’t work, you got to try multiple things until you get it to work.

So see, I have my label maker here. This is my old one. This is my new one. I also store my lined paper, colored lined paper, construction paper, computer paper, there are interior file folders that I keep on hand to use them for projects and stuff, there are more file folders, there are training books.

And then down here, I have all of my old to-do lists. So one of the things I don’t throw away are my old to-do lists because they’re kind of like diaries. Like I love going back and looking back at like here, this is like five years ago. Like I love looking back and seeing like, “Oh, what was I doing in 2008?” or like, “Wow! Like I don’t know, I’m not doing that anymore.” Or, “Wow! I was so efficient that day.” Or something like that. It’s just fun to go back and look. So I just keep them down here and then whenever I’m getting organized or something, I’ll just take a look down there.

Up here in these purple or this pink bins, I have grass for like Easter time or to put at the bottom of a gift bag to make it like – give it more fluff or something. And everything is organized into these freezer bags right here. So these freezer bags, I literally use these things like I don’t know, like five times over and over like once I reuse them a couple of times in the kitchen, I’ll bring them up to my craft room in my office and then I’ll just reuse them in here. So that just stays in there, nice and organized.

Organizing Craft & Office Supplies

So moving on to this middle section right here, so I found these free-standing shelves. They’re just like stacked really nicely and I’m stacking them like, I think there are four of them stacked. But I put all the shoe boxes here for all of my extra supplies in the my office like extra pens, pencils, back-up supplies, greeting cards sorted by category (thank you, holiday, birthday…) and then some craft materials for doing crafty things.

How to Organize Craft & Office Supplies

How to Organize Craft & Office Supplies

And then I just have extra bottles of water right here in the closet so if I don’t want to go downstairs and get water, I can just grab one of these. I have my battery organizer kit right here which I show in this how to organize your batteries video. And I have all of my tackle boxes. I actually have eight tackle boxes in this closet with all types of small organizing gadgets that you might have in your office like ink cartridges, USB cables, cord organizers. I’m going to show them in an upcoming video- How to Organize Small Things.

And then I used these – when I was labelling all of these bins, I use these jumbo labels. The reason why I got a brand new label maker is because I couldn’t use these jumbo labels in my old one. And I just feel like they’re so fun. I feel like the first thing you see when you open this closet are these labels on the shoe boxes. And so you instantly find exactly what you’re looking for with these fun and big labels. So, those just stay right there, and four of them fit perfectly side by side. So that worked out well.

And then back here, I have my jumbo Post-It notes for putting on my whiteboard when I’m teaching organizing concepts. And then I have my jumbo time timer for timing things in a fun way. And then up here, I have my scrapbook boxes for like collecting scrapbook things.

Storing Extra Notebooks and Office Paper

So then in the other corner of the closet, I have another hanging sweater bag organizer for all the extra notebooks and extra magazines that I want to keep that I was like taking notes on and stuff. And then there are business cards and a hole puncher and then just like extra gadgets that I don’t use every day but I do use in my office periodically.

At the very top of the closet, I have my tax box organizer that has all my tax returns organized by year. And then I put this pretty contact paper on the front of it to kind of like, I don’t know, just make it look pretty.

So is there something in your closet in your office that you organize and it just looks great, it functions great? If so, leave a comment below and let us know. And if this is your first time watching any of my YouTube videos, you can subscribe to my channel for more home organizing tips or visit my website at

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you soon. Bye.

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times,, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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