In this video I show you how I organized my small linen closet in my home! In my last home, my linen closet had all of my bath products, travel products, medications, etc. However, in the new house, our hallway closet is tinyyyyy which means I can only fit my actual “linens” (towels, sheets, toilet paper, etc). Hope you enjoy the video 🙂 Alejandra

Video Details

Hi, everyone. So in this video, I’m going to show you how to organize your linen closet if you don’t have a very big space and you don’t have like a very big budget. So I’ve just organized my closet and I’m just excited to show you guys because I love the way it turned out. It was a hard project and in the middle of the project, I wasn’t sure where it was going but I continued moving forward and now it’s like my favorite spot in the house.

Tips for Organizing a Small Linen Closet

Ideas for Organizing a Small Linen Closet #AlejandraTV

Ideas for Organizing a Small Linen Closet

So this is my my organized linen closet. Now, as you can see, it’s not very big. It’s actually a tiny closet. If you just – you see like how wide it is, it’s just very narrow. It’s not even two feet from side to side. It’s really – you really only have 22 inches of working space which isn’t a lot of space. And then the depth of the shelf is only like 12 inches front to back. Most shelves are 16 inches, shorter ones are 12 inches. So 12 inches, it limits you to what kind of bins and baskets you can use.

That is why this space was just so tough to organize just because it’s so small. And so, when I was thinking how am I going to organize this space, I was thinking, “Well, I kind of want to do this with a small budget in mind. It’s a small space and I just want to see what I can do with just reusing things from around the house.” So let me just go shelf by shelf and show you exactly what I’ve done here.

At the very top of the closet, I put all of our toilet paper. We buy toilet paper at Costco. We buy it in bulk because it’s less expensive and you don’t have to keep buying it every week. You just buy it one time and it lasts us probably about a month and a half since it’s just Ed and I in the house. So the top of the closet was the perfect place for it because the top goes all the way up like these are 9-foot ceilings. And so right now, there is probably like 14 rolls of toilet paper. And I could probably double that if not maybe a little bit more. So I could probably fit like 30 rolls of toilet paper up there. And the Costco toilet paper I think comes with like 36 rolls so the whole thing would just fit nicely up there.

Keeping Sheets & Towels Organized

Since the space was so small and I couldn’t store everything that I wanted to store like inside my last house (I used the linen closet for medications. I sorted everything into shoe boxes. I had beach towels. I had regular towels, sheets, just like all kinds of stuff. I had my air mattress in there.) But since this was so small, I had to limit myself to just towels and just sheets. So the rest of the shelves just have towels and sheets. And I grouped all the towels by size and by type. So all the bath towels together and all the hand towels, all the wash – and face towels together. And then all the sheets are organized by set.

So I found these really pretty baskets. Now, I looked everywhere for basket for this space and it was just so hard to find like a basket that was 12 x 12 with like a 5 or 6-inch height. It was just so hard to find. So I finally found them, these baskets at Michaels for 50% off and I love the color. I feel like the color olive just goes well inside of a linen closet because when I think of linen closets, I think of like fresh colors and when I think of fresh colors, I think of green. So those matched nicely.

Keep Sheets Organized in Baskets

Keep Sheets Organized in Baskets

So what I did was I put all of my sheet sets inside the baskets and I kind of zigzagged them. At first, I wanted the baskets side by side but it just wasn’t fitting so I zigzagged them. So I put all the sheet sets inside and what I did was I took a clothespin that I had around the house inside of my craft closet and I painted it like a taupe color just to give it like a popup color. And then I found these letters inside of my scrapbook box or whatever. So I just found these around the house and I thought it would be cute to put like F for full size and then put K for king size. So I can tell where the full sheets go and where the king size sheets go just by gluing it on to the clothespin.

The clothespin, you can buy them at the Dollar Store like 20 for a dollar or something like crazy cheap like that. So I got these years ago and they’ve just lasted me this entire time.

So I did that. And one of the reasons why I put all of my sheets inside of these wicker baskets is because I’m not really good at folding fitted sheets. Like I can fold them but when I fold them, they don’t really like that nicely like the flat sheet looks because fitted sheets are hard to fold. So what I did was I kind of hid the fitted sheet at the bottom of the opaque basket so that way when you open the door, you don’t immediately see a messy folded fitted sheet. It’s like hidden down here. And then on top is the flat sheet and then on top of that is the pillow case. So it just looks nice and organized.

Closet Organizing Tip: Hide Fitted Sheets Inside Baskets to Keep Your Linen Closet Looking Neat & Organized

Closet Organizing Tip: Hide Fitted Sheets Inside Baskets to Keep Your Linen Closet Looking Neat & Organized

So full size, full size, king size, king size. Then all the bath towels are here and then all of the hand towels and the wash cloths. And then on the bottom shelf, I put towels that we don’t really use that often. Like the towels that we use every day, it’s like these towels and these towels. The ones toward the bottom, they’re like the not so soft towels and the towels that – like one of them has like a bleach stain so those were at the bottom.

Tips for Storing Extra Linens

At the very bottom of the closet, I reused a comforter/pillow/quilt bag that I had to store an extra shower curtain, a bath mat, two blankets, and yeah, that’s really it. So every time I buy like a pillow case, a quilt, bedspread, or whatever, I always save the bag because it’s like a free container. It’s a free storage bag and you can always reuse it and these things last. They have zippers just like hold up well.

So yeah, so I just thought that was creative and I just put it at the very bottom of the closet and it just fit really nicely just like that. And I don’t use those things that often. They’re kind of like extra so now they’re just down there in storage and they’re not going to get dusty when I’m not using them.

So the last thing in this closet is the door. So since this closet isn’t very wide, I don’t want to put something bulky on the interior of the door because I don’t want it to just interfere with like the small opening but I still want to maximize space so what I did was I mounted an over-the-door hook just like this that I already had in the house. You can find these inexpensive at Target or any kind of place that sells organizing products. And what I did was behind the hook, I put this little grip like adhesive grips. You could do the same thing with like adhesive felt pads. They also sell them at the Dollar Store. So it wouldn’t damage the door when I put the hook on.

And then on top of the hook, I just took a skirt hanger from my closet. These are my favorite ones. They are from IKEA. I’ve had them for probably over ten years and they still hold up. They haven’t broke or anything. So I just took a skirt hanger and I hang an extra bath mat that I purchased maybe a few weeks ago and I’m not sure if I want to keep it yet. So I hang it here just to see if I’m going to use it. And what I did was I put a piece of cardboard behind like the little claw part of the hanger so the claw part doesn’t make an indention into the bath mat because then it kind of just like – it doesn’t damage it but it just makes a mark there. So yeah, I just did that.

Closet Organizing Tip: Add a Hook to Your Door to Hang Extra Linen Items Like Bath Mats & Curtain Rings

Closet Organizing Tip: Add a Hook to Your Door to Hang Extra Linen Items Like Bath Mats & Curtain Rings

And then – so remember I showed you at the bottom of the closet there was an extra shower curtain? So all the rings of the shower curtain, I just put it in a Ziploc bag and I punched a hole to the Ziploc bag and then I just hang it right here on the hanger so it’s out of the way and it’s right there when I need them.

So all I did here was just reused things I have from around the house. All right. So that goes here and this just hangs nicely right up at the top of the door, right when I’m ready to use the bath mat or the shower rings. And that is everything I did inside the closet,

I hope this video was helpful. Now, if you’re working with a small space, it’s all about just like limiting what you can store inside the closet. Like for me, I couldn’t really store all the shoe boxes I had in the last house so I had to limit it to just towels, sheets, and like bath mats and stuff.

So yeah, I hope this video was helpful. And also, if you’re working with a limited budget, shop the house, see what you find, see what you can reuse, and just get creative because you never know like what you can do. I had no idea that this closet was going to come out like this and I’m just so happy the way it turned out.

So I hope this video was helpful. If you want more organizing videos and tips, you can visit my website at Alejandra.TV. I’ll see you soon. Bye!

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times,, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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