In this video, I show you how to organize your closet with some of my favorite organizing tips and ideas for closet organization!

Video Details

Hi, everyone. It’s Alejandra. And I am sitting inside of my very organized closet and I am so excited to be giving you guys a closet tour today because I have spent maybe a little over six months trying to set up my closet, trying to get it right, trying to just organize it in a way that it’s going to work for my needs and my habits and stuff.

How to Organize the Closet

So I just want to show you everything that I’ve done here. So I am standing on one side of the closet. There is another side behind me or in front of me that I’m going to show you in just a second. But this side, this is where I have all of my drawers and shelves with baskets, and then all of my handbags up at the top of the closet. And then the other side has all of the hanging space and the shoes and the necklaces.

So let me just start with the drawer and show you everything. So first off, this system here is my by IKEA. It’s called the PAX System and it comes in multiple colors. This is the black-brown. Everything is customizable. Meaning that it has these little pegs on the side of the closet so you can always take a shelf out, add a drawer or you could add a rod to hang stuff or you can move this higher or lower depending upon what you’re storing. So everything is just – it’s in the right spot right now and I really like the way it’s set up.

So up here is where I have all of my jewelry and accessories. So I went ahead and I found all of these nice jewelry organizers from Michaels. Now, I loved the color. I love hot pink. I love zebra print and leopard print and stuff so there are – I don’t know. It’s just fun. It matched my personality. So I got them. They were actually on a clearance at Michaels. I think they were maybe $3 or $4. I don’t remember.

How to Organize Jewelry in the Closet

How to Organize Jewelry in the Closet

But they have little sections so I have accessories like sunglasses, jewelry boxes, bracelets, scarves, belts, and then over here I have rings, bracelets, some necklaces, and earrings and stuff. And then at the very front, I have all of my accessories that I use more often than some of my other accessories. So I have like my small handbag like this. I have this in black and beige. I always use these when I’m just – I don’t want to carry big purse. I just want to carry something small. So I keep those right here.

And then I have all of my hats. So I don’t wear hats too often but when I go to the gym, sometimes I wear hat or just running errands and stuff. So I have all of my everyday hats right here. And then – so that’s the jewelry and accessories drawer.

Organizing Clothes in Closet Drawers

And then the next one down is where I have pajamas, leggings, and sweat pants. So I am a big legging’s person. In the winter, I wear leggings like every single day. So leggings has its own section here. And then sweat pants, I’m always wearing sweat pants also so sweat pants are here. And then pajamas, pajamas are folded nicely over here.

And what I did here is I used these dividers. These are spring loaded dividers that they go inside drawers and they are spring loaded so they fit multiple-size drawers. So they just keep the sections separated. And then at the bottom of the drawer, you can kind of see down here is where I have the shelf liner that actually, it smells. It smells like I think cucumber or lime so it just gives the drawer a nice scent. And you just line the drawer and then all I did was used double-sided tape to kind of keep it down so it doesn’t slide everywhere.

Now, something else you can do and what I’ve done here is every time I go to the mall, which I don’t really goo too often, but every time I go to the mall and I’m looking for perfume samples or something, I bring home the perfume sample and I just stick it inside of my drawer. So if I didn’t have that liner down there then I would still have a nice scent inside of the drawer. So here’s the sample one that I got from Macy’s and I’m just going to stick it at the bottom of the drawer. So now, my drawer has a nice smell.

So that’s the pajama drawer. Down here is where I have all of my undergarments. So I’ve shown this on camera before and I thought it was kind of weird but whatever. Underwear, socks, bras, and I have the same spring loaded dividers right here so it kind of divides up the categories of stuff. And then I have the same liner at the very bottom of the drawer that it stays in place with the double-sided tape And then all the socks are kind of – they’re color-coded like everything else in this drawer but they’re kind of categorized in a way where like gym socks here, fancy socks here or like dressy socks here and then pajama socks like these fuzzy socks are all the way in the back.

Something else you could do if you want to have like a nice scent inside your drawer is get this little scented sachets, I think they’re called. I think this is from Target or something. They’re really inexpensive and you just put them in inside your drawer and so the whole drawer will smell nice and fresh. Yeah.

And then down here, exercise. There’s really nothing special about that drawer. And then tanks and tees. OK. So down here is where I have all of my tank tops and t-shirts. And what I do is I roll them so I can immediately see exactly what I’m looking for right when I open the drawer. So if I open the drawer and I’m like, “OK. I’m looking for my yellow tube top.” Then I just look in the yellow section and I see it right away. So it’s easy to see and find exactly what you’re looking for.

Dresser Organizing Tip: Roll tank tops for more space & easy access #AlejandraTV

How to Organize Tank Tops

How to Organize Tank Tops, Shirts, & Sweaters

Now, if you’re going to roll your tank tops and t-shirts, the goal is not to roll them perfectly like they might look perfectly rolled there but the goal is just to get them in its place and have everything visible. So if something is – if you get a shirt out of the laundry and you just quickly roll it like this, maybe that’s not perfect but it’s visible, it’s still going to keep it from being wrinkled when you wear it, and it’s somewhat in a rolled form. So that’s OK too. It’s not about making things perfect.

The bottom drawer, the bottom drawer is where I have all of my jeans, my legging-jeans, whatever they’re called, and then my skirts like long, short skirts, and then I have some shorts there. Really, there’s nothing special about this drawer. I have a spring loaded divider in place to keep everything separated. I roll my jeans. I fold all my legging-jeans because they don’t really roll that nicely, and then I just fold all my skirts and stuff. So I don’t really use – I don’t really wear skirts that often and those are kind of longer skirts so yeah, that’s why they’re not hanging. They’re just folded instead.

So that is everything inside that drawer. And then at the top of the closet here, I have all of these – they’re like sweater containers, sweater baskets, sweater bins, that’s what they’re called. And I like the design because I feel like it kind of – it’s pretty and then I added a pop-up color with this label. All I did was take scrapbook paper. I just cut it into a square that fits this window. Put it inside and then I labeled the section with what’s inside, so sweaters.

Closet Organizing Tip: Use Bins & Dividers to Keep Your Closet Organized

Closet Organizing Tip: Use Bins & Dividers to Keep Your Closet Organized

And if you have these bins, these are from The Container Store. If you have them, all of the handles, they come wrinkled which is kind of bizarre but when I was shopping for them, I was kind of looking for handles that weren’t wrinkled but that does not exist. So all I did was take my flat iron. I put it in on a really low setting and I just ironed the handles out so now all the wrinkles are out and now it just hangs really nicely and there are no wrinkles.

So sweaters, purses, beach wear, and then travel. So everything is just kind of tossed inside. Nothing is really – like the sweaters are folded. Travel, that’s just like travel bags, cosmetic bags and stuff that’s just tossed in there, purses, they’re just kind of tossed in there, and then beach wear that’s just tossed in there also.

And then I have – this is my little ring holder that I just keep on the shelf. It’s a poodle. You guys know that I love poodles. We have a toy poodle so that’s just cute. And then every day after – before I go to sleep, I always just hang my ring there.

So up here is where I have handbags. So, all my handbags are nestled inside of each other. Now, I do have some purses down here inside of this sweater bin that I just showed you guys. These are more like medium size handbags as opposed to these up here. The larger ones are more like duffel bags or weekend bags and they’re all nestled inside of each other. And then I use these dividers. They’re shelf dividers. They clip on to the shelf and then they just hold – they keep the bag upright. So if the bag is going to fall over, it’s not really going to fall over because there is a shelf divider there. And then I keep all my wigs up there, which is kind of weird but I don’t know why I have a wig. That’s just kind of fun to wear on occasion.

And then my step stool is over here. So if I wanted to grab a bag up there, I won’t have to call Ed inside my closet because he’s so tall and he could easily reach that. I just grab my step stool and get the bag up there.

So that is everything on this side of the closet. Let me show you the other side of my closet. This is the other side of my closet. So this is where I have all of my hanging clothes and I have all my shoes at the very top. So I’ll just start up here. OK. So all my every day shoes like my flip flops, my tennis shoes, I guess that’s everything. I wear flip flops and tennis shoes. Those are all in door pockets on the door like the closet door because it’s very easy to access. It’s within reach and it’s just super accessible.

How to Organize Shoes

Closet Organizing Tip: Keep Special Occasion Shoes  in Clear Boxes at the Top of  the Closet to Maximize Space

Closet Organizing Tip: Keep Special Occasion Shoes in Clear Boxes at the Top of the Closet to Maximize Space

So all the shoes that I don’t really wear that often like heels and shoes for special occasions and stuff, those go in shoe boxes at the very top of my closet, and what I really want to do was I really wanted to do the picture of the shoe in front of the shoe box. But if you’ve ever done that before, you know it takes so much time. And I was trying to think of what else can I do that doesn’t take up that much time that you can still tell which shoe is which. So I just took my label maker and I took my pink label tape and I just labeled everything with whatever I thought made sense. So like orange Ashley heels. Like I know those are my orange heels that Ashley gave me. So it just makes sense inside my head.

How to Organize Hanging Clothes

And so down here is where I have all of my – there are some long skirts, there are some sundresses, and that’s really about it over here in this section. And then over here, I have all of my fancier shirts like short-sleeve blouses and then I have like my favorite t-shirts that I wear like on a weekly basis. Those are all hanging here. And then all my sleeveless tops are all in the front here.

So everything is categorized by what category it is. And then after I categorize it, I put everything in color-coded order because it just makes sense in my head because when I come inside my closet, if I know I’m looking for my orange t-shirt, like my orange nicer t-shirt, I’m just going to go to the t-shirt section and then just go to the orange section and I immediately find what I’m looking for.

And then up here is where I have all of my long-sleeve tops like long-sleeve t-shirts, and long-sleeve blouses and stuff. And I do the same thing. I put them in color-coded order because it’s just easier to find and retrieve exactly what you’re looking for when you walk inside the closet.

I switched my hangers. So before, I was using the wooden. They were kind of thick hangers from IKEA. I think it was like ten to a pack or something. But I swamped them for these felt-line hangers from Costco. I think were a pack of 36 for $9.99. It was a super incredible deal. And at first, I didn’t really like these hangers because I felt like the clothes just clings to them too much and then it’s hard to just take things off when you’re kind of in a rush getting dressed. But I tried them and I really like them and there were super affordable and they’re space-saving because they’re so thin so you can just fit a lot in the closet. So I think I did that switch maybe last year. I don’t really remember when.

So something else I do inside my closet is I make sure that each garment that’s hanging on a rod has enough breathing space. So for example, if – like you can kind of see that it’s pretty easy to take out one of the hangers and put it back in because nothing is like jammed pack like that. When it’s too jammed pack, it’s too hard to pull something out or even put something back. And when something is too hard to put away or too hard to access then that means it’s not probably getting used as much as it could be if it was just set up a little bit easier. So you want to make sure that everything has enough breathing space.

Organizing Necklaces

So over here, I have a necklace organizer that just pulls out from a side of the closet. And it’s actually made for all kind of accessories. You don’t have to just put necklaces. You can put scarves or you can put bracelets or belts or ties. I just have a lot of necklaces so it just works really well.

Necklace Organizing Tip: Hang Necklaces in the Closet

Necklace Organizing Tip: Hang Necklaces in the Closet for a Tangle-Free Storage

So on this side of the closet I have another accessory organizer that I put all my other necklaces. So each necklace gets its own little hook. Some of them are doubled up or some of them are tripled. It depends on the weight of the necklace. But I like how it just slides out and then slides right back in.

Labeling Clothes in the Closet

So something else I do is I used these little dividers in each of the sections. So for all my tube dresses, I have this little divider that just hangs on the rod that keeps the sections separated so I know what’s going to go on this side and what’s going to go on this side. So this just goes in front of the dress section.

Maximize Space in the Closet with Door Pockets

And then over here on the closet door, on the inside of the door, I have door pockets that again, they just hang on the top of the door. Nothing is drilled into the door or anything, it just kind of sits on top of hooks for all of my every day shoes. So these are shoes that I wear like all week long or every day like flip fops, tennis shoes, slippers. I’m really like such a casual dresser so yeah. So I just have all my casual shoes right here, easy to access, easy to put away, and super convenient.

Closet Organization Idea: Use Door Pockets to Organize Frequently Accessed Shoes

Closet Organization Idea: Use Door Pockets to Organize Frequently Accessed Shoes and Scraves

And then down here is where I have all of my scarves. So with the scarves, all I did was just roll them kind of like this and then just put them inside of the door pockets just like that. So it’s really easy to see and find exactly which scarf you’re looking for because you can just – you see everything in one shot. It’s not like you’re shuffling through scarves trying to find the right one. You see just see everything. And that’s what I wanted and that’s what I like.

So again, this is on the inside of the door so when the closet door is shut, you’re not going to see like any of this busy stuff. The back of the door is just plain and it’s nice and clean.

So that is everything that I wanted to share with you guys about my closet. I hope these tips were helpful. If you want more tips on how to organize your space or your closet, you can visit my website at Alejandra.TV. I’ll see you guys soon. Bye!

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times,, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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