A lot of people think getting organized is really expensive. Yes, there are lots of organizing products that are costly, however, there are also a lot that are also affordable or fall within small or limited budgets.

In this video, I show you 20 organizing products I found for cheap on my shopping spree to Marshalls, Ross, TJMaxx, and Dollar Tree. Getting organized doesn’t have to be expensive if you shop around for cheap organizing ideas!

Video Details

Hi, everyone. So I just got back from my shopping spree. I went to T.J. Maxx, Ross, Marshalls, and Dollar Tree because I was on a mission to find affordable organizing products that people can use if they have a small or limited budget. So a lot of people think that when you’re going to get organized, you have to have this like enormous budget to be able to afford organizing products which is not true. If you shop around, you can find stuff to meet any budget.

So all the stuff I bought, I kept in mind like a low budget to try and figure out like what I could find. And I found a lot of good stuff so I’m really excited to share with you guys what I found. I have about 20 things in front of me. I’m just going to lift up and show you guys.

Low Cost Organizing Ideas

The first thing I found- and I was like so surprised to find this. When I found this, my eyes are just like, I don’t know, whatever the word is. I got really excited because I’ve never seen this anywhere else but the one retail store that I like to go to.

So this is a tiered shelf. It’s a tiered shelf for soup cans for the pantry. This is the exact same tiered shelf that I use inside my pantry that I absolutely love. This is actually one of the products I have on my list of favorite organizing products. This is actually the smaller one so this comes in two sizes. This is the smaller one. I have a larger one in my pantry. Both are amazing.

This was at Ross for $6.99. Again when I saw this, I was like, “Whoa! I’ve never seen this anywhere other than retail stores.” So I was quite excited. So if you’re organizing your pantry, Ross has amazing pantry products.

Cheap Organizing Ideas

Cheap Organizing Find: Expandable Pantry Shelf

The next thing I found which actually belongs in the pantry also is from T.J. Maxx. This is an airtight container. The brand is Sistema. I don’t know if I’m saying it correctly but yeah, Sistema, S-I-S-T-E-M-A. But anyway, this is the best brand for like food storage containers, not airtight containers. Airtight containers are like those OXO. I think that’s the best brand. But this is the best brand for food storage containers like for storing leftovers and stuff.

It’s an expensive brand even at T.J. Maxx. It was a little costly. This was $5.99 just for this container. They have like a big variety. They have smaller one. They have larger ones, taller ones, and so forth. But this is like half the price you would pay from sort of retail stores. So if you want really good brand food storage containers, T.J. Maxx has Sistema.

Now, what’s really awesome about this is the lid. It just like – I have this thing with lids where if it just like clicks on really nicely, I get really excited. If it doesn’t go on nicely, I don’t like using it. So this brand, it just clicks really nicely. They’re BPA-free. They come in all kinds of sizes and shapes and they’re stackable and they’re just awesome. So, $5.99 at T.J. Maxx. Again, still kind of expensive but if you’re looking for something that works nicely, you can check that one out.

Budget Friendly Organizing Products

So another spice rack that I found, this was from T.J. Maxx. It’s like a tiered shelf just like I showed you this one, which by the way, this is expandable so you can expand it like longer m shorter depending upon how like the length of your pantry shelves.

So this one is not expandable but it does the same thing. It’s made for spices but you can put canned goods on it. This was actually $2.49 at T.J. Maxx. So a little more affordable, a little bit smaller but again, if you’re looking for a tiered shelf, T.J. Maxx, $2.49.

So next thing I found was a tackle box from T.J. Maxx for $2.99. That is a great price. If you’ve seen a tackle box in retail stores, they’re a little more expensive. So $2.99 for this product is amazing. If you watch my videos before then you know that I use tackle boxes for organizing all types of things from like batteries to nails, screws. I use it for labels and like label accessories. So, amazing find at $2.99 from T.J. Maxx.

The next product is called the diamond drawer organizer. This is made for containing your socks, your tights, your underwear and ties in your dresser or your closet. Actually, I’ve never used this before but I’ve used the brand for – like I bought this brand’s other products and they’re amazing. They work well. They’re high quality. They’re kind of expensive if you buy them in a retail store. But this was $4.99 at T.J. Maxx. And it expands so it will fit like whatever size drawer you have and then you just cut them – I don’t know if I’m explaining this very well but that’s what it looks like. And then you just cut them to size to fit your drawer.

So the next product are expandable and drawer dividers made by Progressive. So these were $6.99 at T.J. Maxx. I’ve actually seen these before in the clearance sale for like $4.99 which is a complete steal because if you’ve seen these inside retails stores, they are expensive. So buying them for $4.99 for two a pack is an amazing deal.

So I’ve never used like the Progressive brand drawer dividers. But I have used Progressive in like lots of kitchen gadgets and stuff and it works well. The quality is great. So I have no doubt that these work great for like dressers or bathroom drawers or whatever you’re trying to divide inside of a drawer.

Great Discounts on Door Pockets

This next product is Simply Stashed Over-The-Door door pockets. So if you’ve seen my videos before, you know that I use door pockets inside my bathroom for corralling all the small things in the bathroom. I love door pockets. I use them all over the house. I especially love Simply Stashed because they have a lot of pretty designs and like different colors and stuff. So this is the gold floral one. This was $9.99 at T.J. Maxx.

Now, if you’ve ever bought door pockets before, they’re a little bit more expensive because a lot of them are like great quality. I don’t know why they’re expensive. But this was cheap. This was $9.99 at T.J. Maxx. If you’re at T.J. Maxx and you’re looking for door pockets, they’re the place to go. They had other brands also. Of course, mine is Simply Stashed. I had to get it because I was all excited. So yeah, so $9.99 at T.J. Maxx.

Some of the next products I’m going to share with you guys are from Dollar Tree. Actually, there is one more from T.J. Maxx. So I wasn’t going to share you guys this because I thought this was kind of like every T.J. Maxx has this. But their drawer – their compartment organizers for your office store or for your kitchen drawer, you can put office supplies, you can put little kitchen gadgets and stuff. T.J. Maxx had like a huge variety of them. I like this brand, Madesmart, that’s why I bought these. They were $3.99 for two stackable containers.

OK. So this next product, I actually it at all four stores I went to. I bought it at T.J. Maxx because that was the first store I went to. But yeah, I saw it at Dollar Store, Ross, and Marshalls. They are the vacuum seal storage bags. You’ve probably seen them in other stores before. But apparently, you can get them at Dollar Tree for a dollar. This is from T.J. Maxx. This was $4.99. It’s probably a little bit higher quality than the dollar store brand one. I don’t know for sure. I’m just making an assumption.

But I have mixed feelings about vacuum seal bags. But if you like them and they work for you and you don’t mind getting the vacuum cleaner out to suck the air out and stuff then go to Marshalls, Ross, T.J. Maxx, or even Dollar Store. They’re everywhere. Again, they were like half the price than the retail store sells them for. But yeah, they are available in a lot of stores.

Dollar Store Organizing Products

The last eight products are from the Dollar Store. They were all a dollar and yeah. So I’m just going to show you. OK. So the first product is an over-the-door hook. It’s a metal hook. A lot of the hooks I’ve seen from Dollar Store have just been plastic and they haven’t seem like they’ve been very good quality. So when I found a metal hook, I was like, “Oh, OK. This seems like this won’t snap in half and it’s going to hold a lot of weight. So yeah, over-the-door hook for a dollar.

The second thing is Tie-Dye Duct Tape. If you’ve ever bought a duct tape at like and arts and crafts store or a home improvement store then you know that duct tape is expensive. It’s like $4.99 or $4.49 a roll. This was a dollar. Now, it’s not as thick as what you would buy again at arts and crafts store but it’s a dollar and you get a roll that’s like maybe half the size. So it’s still a bargain. And they actually had in different designs. I like the Tie-Dye design so I got that one. But they had like leopard print, they had camouflage, they had polka dot, so they had lots of fun colored tapes.

Now, the reason I’m showing you this in my organizing products is because I like to use duct tapes to do a lot of labeling. So I’ll just label like I’ll cut a piece of duct tape, maybe like three or four inches long. I’ll tape it to a box and then I’ll put a label on top of it with what’s inside. So it kind of just adds a little bit of pop up color to a label on a box.

So this next product is a pop-up hamper from the Dollar Store so it’s a dollar. I have like a very similar blue pop-up hamper and I bought mine for $9.99. I’m not going to tell you where but I bought it and now that I see this, I’m like, “Oh, I should went into Dollar Store because they have the same exact thing”.

Next product is a sweater storage bag and there’s actually two to a pack so you don’t only have to store sweaters in a storage bag. You can use it to organize linens, towels, like blankets, you could store clothes, you could store shoes, anything that you want to keep like dust out is great to put into a sweater bag. So 50 cents each one is a complete steal.

The next item I’ve actually been using for over ten years. I haven’t been using them recently because I haven’t found them. But I found them again and I’m really excited to use them again. They are scented, pink, tall kitchen bags. Now, I wouldn’t use them in the kitchen. I would use them in the bathroom trashcan.

So I don’t know about you but in my bathroom, my trashcan is it’s like medium size. It’s like an awkward size. It’s not big where I would just use a tall kitchen bag. I don’t want to waste those because they’re expensive. But it’s not small enough where I could just use a grocery store bag which is what I used right now and I kind of waste space. It’s a medium size and these are medium size so they fit perfectly and they’re pink and they smell good and they’re a dollar. And there are 28 bags here so it’s like four cents a bag. And I just love how they’re pink.

So they’re from the Dollar Store. Again, they’re hard to find. I haven’t found them in like a few years but I’m glad I found them again.

All right. Next product is a Sharpie Marker. So I don’t know about you but every time I go to the office supplies store, Sharpies are like four for $5 or they’re like a $1.59 for this like big, fat, thick one. This was a dollar at the Dollar Store. So I feel like I could never have enough black Sharpies because I always – I use one a month and then it dries and then I need to go to another one. So the Dollar Store has Sharpies.

So the next thing I found are these binder sleeves for organizing your sports cards and trading cards and stuff. That’s what they’re made for. I use them for all kinds of other things. I’m not going to tell you what I use them for because they’re coming up in an upcoming video. But ten come to a pack for a dollar so they’re 10 cents each. If you buy these in retail store then you’re going to spend like $4.99. So buying them at Dollar Tree is an incredible deal. I had no idea they sold them. So that’s where I’m going to go to buy them next time I need them.

The next product I found was an Expandable File Accordion from the Dollar Store. I think it has like seven sections just like this. So you can organize like receipts, coupons, stickers, any kind of small paper can be filed away in this. And they had purple, pink, green, blue, and yellow. So they had a variety of colors and it’s like small enough that you can keep in your car, you can keep in your purse or your backpack.

OK. So the last thing I found are these Over-The-Door door pockets from the Dollar Store. Now, they seem a little flimsy like you could see how thin they are. This is like really lightweight so I don’t think they’re made to hold really heavy things like shoes and winter accessories like an umbrella and stuff.

But I would use them to organize like lightweight office supplies or crafts supplies like rubber bands, pipe cleaners or pompoms or pencils or like paperclips or thumbtacks, nothing really heavy. I can see they were created for lightweight stuff. Again, a dollar to maximize your vertical space behind your door, it’s an incredible deal. Just don’t put too much weight in there.

OK. So that is everything that I have found on my shopping spree to find affordable organizing solutions. I hope this video is helpful. If you want more videos like this, if you want more like shopping spree videos of finding good deals then let me know and I will do more of these videos. So that’s everything I have for you guys. I will see you soon. Bye!

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times, Oprah.com, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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