I posted a picture on my Facebook page recently on how I organize my post-it notes in my home office. I am C.R.A.Z.Y. over the drawer! Every time I grab a post-it note I smile at the colors.

Since a few people asked for a video, I thought I’d quickly film a video and show you the full drawer.

Yes, I know, I have a LOT of post-it notes. I pretty much have every size and every color made. However, I will tell you that I actually USE them. If you saw my office today, it would look like a rainbow of post-it notes exploded! I use post-its for temporary labeling, permanent labeling, sorting, reminders, tasks, etc. I use different sizes for different labeling and different colors for different categories.

In the video you’ll also see how I added a pop of color to the front of my elfa drawers with adhesive shelf liner purchased from Home Depot and TJMaxx.

Video Details

Hi, guys. It’s Alejandra. And I’m sitting in a corner in my home office and I just have two quick tips I want to share with you guys. OK. So this is the corner in my home office that has a lot or my office supplies. I promised I’ll give you guys a tour of my full home office as soon as I’m done organizing it. But more or less, this corner is pretty much done with the exception of this right here. So this world map, I’m not sure if I’m going to hang that above these drawers or they’re going to go on another wall. I’m still kind of deciding what I want to do with that.

Office Organization Tip

So getting to the point of the video, so there are just two things that I want to share with you guys in this video. The first thing is how to add a pop or a punch of color to any space and how to do it easily and for low cost. So what I’ve done here, these are just white drawers. They are from The Container Store. If you want the exact size I have and exact product number, you can go to my best organizing product list. I’ll put a link at the bottom of the video and you can check out what these are because there are like so many varieties.

So these, they’re just white but what I’ve done here is I have added adhesive shelf liner to the very front of the liner of the drawer. So if I didn’t add this, it would just be clear and this would be white and boring. But since I added this, I now can see the pretty paper through the drawer. And so you guys know, I like the colors of the rainbow so I started with pink, orange, yellow, green, and then blue. I love the blue. And the blue one, I just think is so pretty.

Now, I got these shelf liners from HomeGoods. It was two rolls for $5.99. Actually, I got the orange one from Home Depot. That’s right, that one is from Home Depot and then the other ones are all from T.J. Maxx. But you can do the same concept with anything that’s like clear, has a window, or anything. If you’re trying to cover something, you could just use shelf liner to easily and quickly add a popup color. So it’s just fun to do and yeah, it’s just to do and it adds color.

How to Organize Post-it Sticky Notes

So the second thing I want to show you guys is my Post-it note drawer. Now, I posted a picture of my Post-it note drawer on Facebook last week and a few people asked for a video on it or to see more of it. So I am going to show you my Post-it note drawer. Now before I open the drawer, I will tell you I have lot of Post-it notes but I use them for all sorts of things. I use them for a temporary labeling, permanent labeling. I use them for reminders. I use them for task management. I use them – what else? I use them for a lot of things. So that’s why I have a lot of sizes and I have a lot of colors. Different sizes for different labeling and different colors for different categories.

Are you guys ready to see this? Tada! Isn’t it so pretty?

Home Office Organization: How to Organize Post-it Notes

Home Office Organization: How to Organize Post-it Notes

I just love opening this drawer and looking at the Post-it notes because they’re just so bright, colorful, and cherry and it just makes me want to smile when I see all the colors. I know that sounds so silly but it’s just so true.

OK. So what I’ve done here is I’ve organized all my Post-it notes by size. So right here, I have all of my – these are like the 3 x 3 post-it notes. And then over here, I have all the flags. So again, different colors for different things. And then over here, I have my – these are the 3 x 2 post-it notes. And then here I have, these are like longer ones. These are actual labels so like the whole – I’ll show you guys, the whole label is a sticker. OK. This is hard to do holding the camera. So this is all a sticker, so you can use this for labeling. So these are kind of cool.

Home Office Organization: How to Organize Post-it Notes

Home Office Organization: How to Organize Post-it Notes

And then in the back, I have bigger ones for creating checklists or yeah, just creating checklists like a grocery list. And then – is there anything else I want to show you guys in this drawer? Well, another reason why I have a lot is because it’s hard to buy Post-it notes individual. Like this size especially, they come in these cubes where you have to get like ten, I feel like you get ten stacks in here because they all separate. You get like ten stacks in here. So this right here is like two packages or maybe three packages.

So that’s another reason why I have a lot. They just come a lot to a pack and it’s cheaper if you buy bigger packs with more in them. You save money that way. So anyways, that’s my Post-it note drawer organized by size and then by color.

OK. So that’s all I want to share with you guys, just two quick, easy tips. If you guys want more like fast, easy, short videos where I just share a very quick and easy tip, let me know in the comments below. I feel like this video, I was very hesitant to post this video because I was like, “I’m not sure I’m really offering any value in this video.” I just felt like these were kind of random tips to you guys.

But if you want more short and easy tips, let me know in the comments below and I will definitely create more of these because they take less time to do so it’s a lot easier for me to do a lot more of these. So just let me know in the comments, OK? I will see you guy soon. Bye!

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times, Oprah.com, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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