Okay, so this is my very first video in my new home! Here’s how I organized my new reach-in pantry in the kitchen. It took a few weeks to start/finish/tweak but its FINALLY finished. Most of the products mentioned are on my list of best organizing products found under the pantry organization/kitchen organization products I use.

Did I miss anything in the video? Is there a kitchen/pantry organizing tip that you do?Which pantry do you like better, my old or new one? Leave a comment below or create a video response and show us how you organize your pantry!

Video Details

Hi guys. It’s Alejandra. And I am standing in the kitchen in front of the pantry in my new house and I’m going to give you guys a tour shelf by shelf of everything I did inside the pantry to get it organized. But before I grab the camera and show you guys, I just want to say thank you for being so patient during my video hiatus. The last time I did a video was like six weeks ago. It has been long time. But I’ve been moving and I needed time to focus on getting myself organized so I can help you guys get organized. I’m going to grab the camera and show you guys exactly what I did in the pantry.

Kitchen Pantry Organization

So this is the pantry. I’m going to quickly just show you guys the outside. I have a swing door this time instead of a bi-fold door so with the swing door, there is like ten times more storage options for organizing stuff on the door instead of a bi-fold door so that’s kind of nice. OK. Tada! This is my new pantry. I’m going to quickly go up and down and just show you guys shelf by shelf what I’ve done here and then I’m going to give you guys a detailed explanation.

Pantry Organization

Pantry Organization: How to Organize the Pantry

So in the corner over here, the corner is kind of tricky because it’s kind of at an angle. This is like maybe a 45-degree angle so you’re kind of limited on what you can do in the corners down there. OK. So let me start at the top. So up here is where I am keeping paper towel storage. That is working out nicely. I think I can fit like 8 rolls up there maybe, maybe 12 if I have the extra one hanging out. The paper towels are up there.

Organizing Paper goods

At the very top, I have all of my picnic and paper goods like plates, napkins, there is like baking stuff over there. I call it picnic because it’s more or less picnic stuff. This is stuff that I don’t really access too often so it’s hard to reach because it’s at the – you can tell, it’s at the very top in the corner so it’s kind of difficult to reach. So I put stuff that I don’t really use that often there.

How to Organize Oils, Vinegars, & Condiments in the Pantry

This is where I have all my oils, vinegars, and my condiments, spreads, and then this is kind of like the backup condiments refills, stuff that we bring to the front when this stuff is done. And these are the same Lazy Susans I had in my last pantry. They are made by OXO. They are the 16-inch Lazy Susans and they just spin so nicely. I could just like stand here and spin this all day. They spin really nicely.

Pantry Organization Tip: Use Lazy Susans to Keep Oil, Vinegar, & Condiments Organized and Accessable

Pantry Organization Tip: Use Lazy Susans to Keep Oil, Vinegar, & Condiments Organized and Accessable

And these labels, these are brand new labels that I didn’t really use them in my last house. I’ve had them for a long time. They’re supposed to go on cabinets and I have like little holes and they come with nails and you just nail them into the cabinets like the cabinet shelf. But I decided to put them in the pantry this time because it’s very difficult to label on wire shelving. If you have wire shelving like non-elfa, it’s difficult to find a label that will go in here that actually looks nice, that hangs straight, and it’s just nice. So, I like those on there.

Snack Food Organization

So this shelf here has all of my snack foods and my cooking breakfast foods.

Simple Pantry Organizing Tip

Simple Pantry Organizing Tip: Utilize the space behind your organizing bins for added storage

And then in the corner over here, I have a double Lazy Susan for all of my vitamins and pain relievers like Advil and Tylenol and then Ed has like some protein muscle stuff, whatever he takes for when he works out and bikes. But if you see in the corner here, the corner is not straight like the shelf here, it kind of goes at a 45-degree angle. When you have that situation in a shelf, cabinet, closet, whatever you want to call it, Lazy Susans work really well because they’re kind of curved also so it just turns really nicely.

OK. Oh, these baskets. So these baskets, I think I got them for like $7 from Michaels arts and crafts store and they were – I think they were like 40% off. All their baskets tend to always be 40% off. So if you’re looking for a basket, that’s a great place to go. I like these because they come to the edge of the shelf, well, not the edge but they’re probably – like the shelf is like 16 inches deep. They probably come to about 14 inches. It’s very hard to find a basket that comes – that’s like 16 inches deep. I looked and this is the best thing I found.

But I also like how it’s not clear here so you can’t see like everything inside but it has a low profile so you can just easily reach in and see what you’re looking for and grab it. So those worked out really well. I bought four of those. So that’s for the snack food. This is for the cooking and the breakfast foods.

In the corner over here, I have a shoe box from The Container Store that holds all of the dinner packets and seasonings like packets like this like Old Bay or like oatmeal or what else is in here? Oh, this is like a taco seasoning packet from one of those kits. So that worked out well. What else? Down here is where I just throw all of my individually wrapped snacks. I take them out of the box and just like toss them in the snack bin. It’s just easy to do. I need to do that with the popcorn.

Keeping Chip Bag Clips Organized

And then over here, I mounted a magnetic strip on the side of the pantry which was originally just dead space. I mounted a magnetic strip for all of my chip clips so I could just reach for a chip clip and put it on the bag of chips which is right next to the snack bin. So that worked out nicely.

And then at the very top, I have these magnetic – they’re meant to hold spices or office supplies in the office. But I just put rubber bands in them. This one is empty but this one has rubbers bands. And again, it’s next to the snack bin because I use rubbers bands for like bigger bags of chips that a chip clip won’t work for. OK. So that’s my magnetic strip.

How to Organize Dry Goods

Down here is where I have all of my dry goods. And this is pretty much the same thing you guys saw in my last pantry. I have the OXO airtight containers. What I did was changed the labels. I got kind of sick of the chalk board labels I had on the last pantry so I changed them to these whiteboard labels but I didn’t use the dry goods marker. I just use my label maker and put label on top of it. They are made by Martha Stewart and they are from Staples. So I think it looks cleaner than the chalkboard labels. And again, I have my label here that says dry goods.

Kitchen Pantry Organization: How to Organize Dry Goods

Kitchen Pantry Organization: How to Organize Dry Goods

And then down here is where I have more of these baskets or bins from Michaels. I have like veggies like the onions and the garlic go here. And then I have all of Mojo’s like treats and hookworm and flea and tick medicine here. And something I did here was I used a Dream Drawer Divider from The Container Store to kind of divide out the basket and this stays in place really nicely.

And then over here is where I have all of the drinks and beverages. So like my teabag organizers. You guys have seen these. These are here. I have – these are coffee packets from hotels, extra teabags, a bag of coffee beans from Costco. Ed has his protein when he works out and then hot chocolate, Apple Cider mix over here. And then back there, I have – there is like soda bottles and then there’s seltzer water and tonic water and then more of Ed’s protein.

Then down here on the floor, I have two rolling bins. This one right here has napkins. It has my apron. Isn’t it cute? This is a little French poodle apron that my friend, Amy, gave me. It’s really cute. I have OK, so napkins, and then I have trash bags. Now, this used to be in a box and then the box didn’t fit in the bin so I need to find something else to kind of contain this. It seems kind of messy in here. But trash bags, napkins, and then Press N’ Seal is down here also. OK. So my apron goes back here. So I need to find something for that. I forgot about that.

And on the side, I have all of the refills for my dry good bins. So whenever these are empty or they’re low then I just come down to this bin and I grab the refill and then fill it into the bin. And I love these bins because they slide really nicely. The casters just work really well and the baskets are really high quality and yes, they’re just fun to slide.

How to Organize the Pantry Door

And this is how I organized the pantry door. I used an Over the Door elfa rack from The Container Store and it just hangs over the door like there’s no mounting into the door so nothing gets destroyed or drilled into. I kind of like that. So I bought this to contain all of my baking stuff like my sprinkles, my Jell-O, my vanilla extracts, frosting, all the spices, you can see these are the smallest spices, small ones – sorry, these are big ones from Costco. And then I have my cans of soup and pasta sauce is at the very bottom.

What I love about the door rack is that all of these baskets are adjustable so I could easily like take this off and move it higher or lower depending upon what I’m storing. So it’s really flexible. It can be changed around and it just works really well. And then over here, I have like sugar packets. This is nice and convenient if I need to just quickly grab like a Truvia packet. I just come in here. Open the lid, grab one, and put it back. So that’s right by the door so it’s easy to access.

And so one more thing, so the shelving in the pantry is made by ClosetMaid and I put an elfa liner down on the ClosetMaid shelving. Elfa liners worked perfectly on the shelving even though it’s not made by elfa. One thing I cannot stand is moving a bin on these shelves that kind of have like a rubbery waxy feel. They don’t slide nicely. Like for example, this is kind of a weird pet peever I have but this slides really nicely. So if I’m going to grab this, I’m just going to grab it and take it off.

If I didn’t have this liner here, I wouldn’t be able to slide it and it would just annoy me and frustrate me. So if you have that same like pat peeve or whatever it’s called then you can use an elfa liner on ClosetMaid shelving. That’s just a little FYI.

And then on the sidewall here like I mentioned, this is like a 45-degree angle, this wall, I mounted my bag organizer that used to be inside my cabinet. It just works really well like I can just walk inside the pantry and just turn to the side and grab a bag. Very simple, it doesn’t get in the way and it’s out of the way.

So that’s how I organized my brand new pantry. Now that you’ve seen my old pantry and my new pantry, let me know which pantry you like better or if there is something that you think I’m missing in my pantry, let me know in the comments below or if you have a video of your own pantry and the organization that you did, leave a video response and let me know, let everyone else know so we can all get organized together.

So that is everything I have for you guys today. I will see you guys soon. Bye!

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times, Oprah.com, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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