I’m starting monthly giveaways on the forum!!! This month I’m giving away my 4 favorite organizing gadgets that keep me organized and make life a little bit more organized. Each month the giveaway will be a new theme. Next giveaway starts June 1st. If you’re a member, login to the forum and enter your name (all members can play!). If you’re not a Power Productivity Program member and want to join, click here.

Video Transcript:

Hi, guys. It’s Alejandra. And I hope you guys are having a great week. I apologize in advance for not blow drying my hair and not really getting ready on camera. I was very impatient to do this quick video so I am just – got ready really fast.

So anyways, I just want to do a quick video to tell all the members that if you saw in the forum last month, I posted that in May, I’m going to be starting the monthly giveaways to everybody who is inside the community. And I posted on May 15th that I just posted the first giveaway and anybody on the forum can enter so if you are in the United States or you are international, you can still enter the giveaway and still have a chance to win.

So I’m going to show you exactly what’s inside this month’s giveaway and just show you guys some of my favorite organizing gadgets. Each month is going to be a new theme. This month’s theme is my favorite organizing gadgets. So let me grab the box and I will show you exactly what’s inside.

OK. So here is everything I’m going to be giving away and I’m not sure if I share this tip with you guys on YouTube or not. I think I just posted it on Facebook. But instead of going out and buying like confetti or grass for gift boxes to make like cute boxes or cute baskets, all I do is I take a colored construction paper and I just feed through the shredder and then I just take all the shredded construction paper and I put it – I fill the box with it or fill the basket with it. It saves money because you don’t have to go out and buy all that grass. All you do is – it just cost the same amount as buying construction paper or colored paper or whatever paper you’re shredding. So that’s just one tip I do.

OK. So like I said, this month’s theme is my favorite organizing gadgets. So let me show you exactly what’s inside the box. The first things are these Magic Sliders. And I talked about this inside the program. I love these things really are magic sliders just like the name of them. It comes with a pack of four and they come in all kinds of sizes. These are the biggest ones. These are also the best ones.

All you do is you put this slider on the bottom of the piece of furniture or on the bottom of something that’s heavy that you’re trying to move from one side of the room to the other side or wherever you’re moving it. And once these things are on the bottom then you just slide the piece of furniture and it doesn’t scratch the floor or anything. And they work on hardwood floors and carpet.

But anyways, when you put them on the bottom of the thing and you slide it, it slides so easily. I’m just thinking back to when I – I use these things whenever I move furniture. But I remember using these things inside of a project where we put them on the bottom of the safe that was really heavy and we moved it from one side of the closet to the other side and it was super easy. And if we try to just slide it without these things, it was not going to go anywhere. So these things are super cool. They are sold at Container Store, Target, Home Depot, where else? Amazon has them. They’re just really cool.

All right. Next thing, Instant Wheels. You guys have seen this in my videos. I’ve talked about these. I would not include this in the giveaway if these things were not awesome. They actually work. When I saw them at The Container Store and I said, “OK. Instant Wheels, you just put a wheel on the bottom of a piece of furniture and it’s going to stick there and not fall off?” I was totally skeptical. But they worked. They are awesome. And this is a pack of four. You can use them anywhere in your house for up to 250 pounds, very fun, very easy to use.

OK. Wobble Wedges. You know when you’re sitting at a restaurant and the table is uneven and then you have to grab a stack of napkins and put it underneath the table so it’s not wobbly because it’s so annoying. Well these things, all you do is you stick one of these wedges underneath a piece of furniture or plants, cabinet shelving, or a toilet. There’s a picture of a toilet on this thing. If you have a wobbly toilet, you can just stick one of these things underneath the toilet and it’s going to make the toilet even.

They are basically just wedges just like that and it comes in a pack of six. They’re from The Container Store. They are located right by the check-out isle like where all the impulse purchases are. This is totally worth an impulse purchase. These things are awesome. I actually keep one of these inside of my purse so when I do go to a restaurant and there is a wobbly table, I just grab my Wobble Wedge and I instantly fix the table. No need to waste napkins. And I didn’t share that inside of my first video. I should have shared that but I didn’t. So these things are included inside the giveaway.

And then the last things inside this box are these CableDrops. And I have these things all over my house. They come in a pack of six and they are adhesive. A lot of the things I’m sharing with you guys are just adhesive. But they’re adhesive and you stick them to like the side of a desk or on top of your desk or next to your bed, on your nightstand or wherever you have a cord that you don’t want it to just dangle.

OK. So picture out your laptop on your desk and you unplug your USB cord and you don’t want it to fall behind your desk because that’s a pain to have to retrieve the wire and then bring it back up and plug it in. Well, if you put one of these on your desk, this is going to hold the wire I place, kind of like that picture there. These are from The Container Store. They have them on Amazon. They have them – Bluelounge I think it is has them. Oh yeah, they’re made by Bluelounge, that’s what it is. But they are just very cool. I have them all over my house like I said and they are included in this month’s giveaway.

So these four things are four of my favorite organizing gadgets to make my life more organized and overall, just make life a little easier around the house.

So that is everything. I’m going to give you guys a quick sneak peek of some of the other prizes for the rest of the summer and the fall. I’m not going to share with you guys exactly what’s inside because I kind of want it to be a surprise. And also, some of the boxes aren’t fully packed like I’m still shopping around for other cool things I want to put inside. But I’ll just give you guys a quick sneak peek so you can get excited to see what’s inside and you can see some of my favorite organizing products.

So that is all I have for you guys. If you are a member, log on now. Enter your name. Like I said, this month is random. And next month, it might be random. I have to still figure out if I can do a contest or it’s just going to be random for next month.

If you’re not a member and you want to join to enter the giveaways, the community is not just about giveaways. It’s about learning how to get organized from starting to maintaining. And the forum, which is the community where you can ask questions and talk to other people around the world is just one part of it. And the prizes are on the forum.

So, I am going to grab the camera and show you guys what else I have for you guys. I will see you guys soon. Bye!

OK. So these are some of the other prizes I’m going to be giving away each month. I’m not going to tell you exactly what’s inside because I want it to be a surprise and also because some of the stuff isn’t finished. I’m still buying stuff and shopping around for some of my favorite things that I want to give you guys. But this is just sneak peek.

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times, Oprah.com, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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