We’re going old-school in this post. Even though we typically use digital cameras these days, most of us still have plenty of film photos. Are your photos sorted and stored neatly? Most of us have our photos scattered in boxes and the free plastic photo albums you get when you develop your film. Here’s how to organize photos using the Container Store’s picture boxes:

Video Details

Hi everyone. It’s Alejandra. And I hope you guys are having a fantastic Tuesday. By the time I post this video, it’s probably going to be Wednesday. But anyways, I was brainstorming this morning on what type of videos to do in the next few weeks and I know a lot of you guys have requested a certain topic for a video like a toy room video or a garage video or like back to school, or I don’t know, there had been a lot of ideas that have been thrown out there. And thank you so much for requesting those videos.

Some videos are hard to do. Toy room, I don’t have kids so it’s kind of hard to find a toy room. I could go to my sister’s house. Maybe I will do that. Garage organization videos, I don’t have a garage. I live in a condo. So again, I might have to go to like my parent’s house or my sister’s house. So I do appreciate the ideas and I am trying really hard to do all the topics that you guys suggest. So please, keep suggesting videos and I promise I will get to them very soon.

How to Organize Photos Using The Container Store’s Picture Boxes

So this morning, I was thinking of topics to do and one of the ones that I came up with was organizing your photos. I haven’t done a video on it. I haven’t shown a product and I haven’t shown my system so I thought I would do that today.

How to Organize Photos

Organize printed photos in small compartments labeled by date or event.

So let me show you what I do that works really well. It’s easy to maintain. It’s easy to find what you’re looking for if you’re showing someone your photos. This is the system I use for all of my print photos. My digital photos is a whole another video. I will consider doing that another time. But this is my print photos and where I keep them.

Basically, it’s a plastic clear photo box that I got from The Container Store. I think it was like $11.99 or something. I will try and post a link at the bottom if you are interested in this product. But inside of the photo box are six mini photo boxes just like this.

How to Sort & Organize Photos

So what I’ve done here is I’ve taken all of the photos from around my house. So like any photo that wasn’t in a frame, that was just like floating around in a drawer or in a file that didn’t really have a home, I took all those pictures, put them in one pile, and then I sorted all the pictures by either event or by year.

And by year is kind of tricky if you have a lot of photos because some photos don’t really have the year printed on the back and sometimes you can’t really remember where it’s from and when it was taken. So organizing it by event is a lot easier. So I have kind of done both. I remembered what year it was so I’ve done both.

So for example, one photo had the name of my high school that I went to and then it has the year. So inside one of the smaller containers I have all of my high school pictures sorted by the year they were taken. And I don’t think I have that many high school pictures. So I think this is like all four years from high school into this one organized container. Again, it’s organized by category. It may not be exact but it’s organized.

And I’ve done the same thing with all the other photo organizers. So I took a whole stack of photos that I had from my trip to Miami and put them inside of one of these clear photo boxes, I labeled Miami on the front and then I put the year down here. Again, if you don’t remember the year, just don’t put the year. Just put the event.

If you don’t have a label maker, it’s not a problem. You could just grab like 2 to 3-inch piece of duct tape, masking tape or painter’s tape. Put the piece of tape on the front of the photo box and then take a permanent marker and then just label whatever your category is.

So once everything is sorted by category, event, or year and they’re containerized inside of here then they all just go inside of this photo box just like this. So one thing I would do differently if I was going to go back and reorganize this or – I mean I can still do this but I’m probably not going to do this because I don’t even look at photos that often. But one thing I would do differently is label the top of these photo boxes up here as opposed to labeling the front because when you label the top, you can just open this and then see immediately all your categories or all your years or all your events or whatever your photos consist of.

So anyways, this is how I organized all of my photos. Again, they are sorted by category, event, year, they’re containerized, labeled, and then I keep this box inside of my living room so if I want to show any of my friends photos or want to reminisce, I know exactly where to go. I find exactly what I’m looking for in less than 10 seconds. And the hardest part is like flipping through the stack of photos and finding the exact one I want.

So I will post a link to this product at the bottom of the video and you can check it out if you like the idea and you’re looking to organize all of your photos in a super easy way that’s going to save you time and cause you less stress.

All right. I will see you guys soon. Bye!

About Alejandra

About Alejandra

Since 2008, organizing expert & certified life coach, Alejandra Costello has taught thousands of students in 132 countries how to get organized through her video-based training programs. Her YouTube videos have been viewed 100+ million times. Named 1 of the 5 most organized people in America by HGTV and “The Decluttering Queen” by Good Morning America, Alejandra’s expertise has been featured in The New York Times, Oprah.com, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, Woman’s Day, Parents Magazine, and CBS. 


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