Feeling Overwhelmed by Piles of Paper Clutter?

Get the KICKSTART you need to begin organizing your stacks of papers!

Decluttering paperwork can be challenging when there’s tall stacks of documents EVERYWHERE – dining room table, desk, chair, kitchen counter-tops,  leaving you feeling overwhelmed. And when we feel overwhelmed, it can be easy to procrastinate!

If one of your goals is to organize your paperwork so you can focus and find what you need (when you need it!), it starts with sorting through the existing stacks of papers! Whether it’s categorizing like-with-like or shredding documents, sorting things out FIRST will make the organizing process a LOT easier! In fact, it’s difficult to organize if you haven’t first decluttered!

In this mini-course, you’ll learn an effective and efficient way to begin sorting through piles of paperwork, categorize, make decisions, build momentum, and eventually get the project done so you can move forward! Yes, it’s possible. You just need to START!


learn an effective & efficient way to START sorting THE STACKs so you can finally move forward!

What You’ll Learn To Get Unstuck

  • The categories to use for sorting documents.

  • Suggested lengths of time to keep documents such as: active bills, education, automobiles, medical, financial, taxes, vital documents, home ownership, home maintenance, insurance, pet, inherited documents, etc.

  • Effective strategies for transforming the overwhelm and procrastination into focused action!

  • I’ll also discuss guilt, regret, getting back on track, motivation, accountability, letting go, and other challenges that often pop-up when beginning a new organizing project!
This mini-course is designed to help you GET STARTED. It does not include everything you need to know about decluttering. Instead, it’s designed to be small & easy to complete so you can ACTUALLY BEGIN!

What’s Included

Coaching Video on "How to Get Started w/ Papers"

Access to 30-min. coaching video guiding you on best practices for getting started with your piles of paperwork – both physically & mentally! If you just watched one video in this mini-course, watch this one!

List of Documents & How Long to Keep Everything

List of common documents with suggested lengths of time to keep. List is organized into 17 main categories + 132 subcategories so you have an easy time figuring out what categories to sort piles into!

Three Follow-Along Paper Decluttering Videos

Included are three (3) paper decluttering videos where we take a messy office & sort through all the paperwork making it functional again.

NOTE: If you’re a SimpLESSity member, you already own these 3 videos. All else is new content!

Recorded Coaching Calls on Paper Clutter

Access to recorded coaching calls with Alejandra & other members who needed support with paper clutter. Listen to the strategies shared & find comfort in knowing you aren’t alone.

Downloadable / Printable Sorting Signs

Access to downloadable sorting signs to use while categorizing paperwork (& anything else you come across) so you can eliminate confusion on your piles, make quick decisions, & continue making progress!

Coaching Video on "How to Get Started w/ Papers"

Access to 30-min. coaching video guiding you on best practices for getting started with your piles of paperwork – both physically & mentally! If you just watched one video in this mini-course, watch this one!

List of Documents & How Long to Keep Everything

List of common documents with suggested lengths of time to keep. List is organized into 17 main categories + 132 subcategories so you have an easy time figuring out what categories to sort piles into!

Three Follow-Along Paper Decluttering Videos

Included are three (3) paper decluttering videos where we take a messy office & sort through all the paperwork making it functional again.

NOTE: If you’re a SimpLESSity member, you already own these 3 videos. All else is new content!

Recorded Coaching Calls on Paper Clutter

Access to recorded coaching calls with Alejandra & other members who needed support with paper clutter. Listen to the strategies shared & find comfort in knowing you aren’t alone.

Downloadable / Printable Sorting Signs

Access to downloadable sorting signs to use while categorizing paperwork (& anything else you come across) so you can eliminate confusion on your piles, make quick decisions, & continue making progress!

Recorded Coaching Calls on Paper Clutter

Access to recorded coaching calls with Alejandra & other members who needed support with paper clutter. Listen to the strategies shared & find comfort in knowing you aren’t alone.

Here’s What Students Are Saying

Reclaim Your Surfaces & Start Feeling Relief Today!

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100% Money Back Guarantee

If the mini-course doesn’t deliver value to you, no problem. Send us an email within sixty days of the course and we’ll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked!

About the Teacher

Hi! I’m Alejandra, the organizing teacher & coach at Alejandra.tv! Over the past 11 years I’ve taught students in 132 countries around the world learn how to get organized. Why?   

Because clutter gets in the way of life and can trigger uncomfortable thoughts & emotions. And quite frankly, life is just easier when you’re organized! 

You? Well, you deserve to feel great while focusing on what matters most: family, fun, health, spirituality, community, career, & personal growth.

Answers to Questions You May Have

What is the focus of this mini-course?

The Paper Clutter Kickstart focuses on helping you start to declutter papers, documents, receipts, paperwork, etc. It does not cover setting up organizing systems. I coach you through everything you need to know and do to get started, make progress, start making decisions, and build momentum. If you have piles of paper that have you’ve been dreading to sort through, then this mini-course is for you.

How long can I access the course?

You’ll have lifetime access to all the course content.

What can I expect from the Recorded Coaching Calls on Paper Clutter?

For the past couple years I’ve been hosting weekly group Q&A phone calls with members of our community. Each week we all dial-in and I talk to one person at a time, live on the phone, who either asks an organizing question, needs space to talk out an organizing challenge, or shares their successes. When you join this mini-course, you’ll get access to 17 past phone conversations that are related to “paper clutter”. You’ll either hear me coach the student on best practices to move beyond their challenge or you’ll hear their success story on what has worked well for them!

What can I expect from the Coaching Video on "How to Get Started w/ Paper Clutter"?

One of things I often hear is “I have stacks of paperwork everywhere! I’m overwhelmed! And I can’t seem to get started!” If you can relate, please know this specific challenge is SO COMMON. The intention behind the 30-Minute Video on “How to Get Started w/ Paper Clutter” is to share with you, everything you need to know to get yourself to start – physically (& mentally too!) Please note this is not a professionally filmed video with ideal lighting + sound, it is very much me holding the camera inside my home explaining to you how to get started as if you were my friend! 

What can I expect from the "List of Documents & How Long to Keep Everything"?

A common challenge with organizing paperwork is knowing the length of time to keep documents. While the answer varies on where you live, your situation, etc., my team & I did our best to put together an organized list of common documents with suggested lengths of time to keep.  The list of documents is organized into 17 main paper categories and 132 subcategories making it EASY for you to decide on a category name when it comes to sorting like-with-like! In the “How to Get Started” video I’ll share an easy way to categorize so you don’t feel overwhelmed with the 132 subcategories! Likewise, you probably don’t even own all 132 subcategories of documents! I’ll explain more in the video! 🙂 If you ever wanted to know what categories I use in my rainbow binders in my office, this document spells it out!

NOTE: The lengths of time to keep documents are suggestions and are not intended to provide specific legal, financial, tax, or any other advice.   

Is the enrollment a subscription or a one-time investment?

The enrollment is a one-time investment.

Is the content in this mini-course new?

Everything in this mini-course is new except for the “3 Follow-Along Paper Decluttering Videos”, which are from SimpLESSity. Likewise, the printable Sorting Signs are also available in SimpLESSity and the Power Productivity Program.

Still have questions?

If you need assistance, please contact us here, send us an email at hello@organizeandflow.com, or call us at 1-866-612-6567.