If getting dressed in the morning is causing you stress and frustration because you just can’t find anything in your small closet, this course is for YOU! This course will show you how to organize your small closet from start to finish every step of the way. And hint hint: your small closet isn’t the problem. I’ll show you how to creatively maximize your tiny space while making everything super accessible!


After taking this course you’ll be able to:

  • Easily start, understand how, and finish organizing your small closet
  • Save time getting ready each morning
  • Quickly and easily find and access everything right when you need it
  • Wear more of your clothes and accessories because you can actually SEE them
  • Save money by not buying duplicates of clothes you can’t find
  • Maintain your systems so your closet STAYS organized
  • Smile and enjoy using your stress-free closet each and every day!

This course is for people who:

  • Feel overwhelmed by the mess inside their closet
  • Need to organize their closet but just can’t seem to get started
  • Think they need a “bigger” closet because things don’t seem to “fit”
  • Are tired of “only” wearing what’s clean
  • Are buying duplicate items because they can’t find anything
  • Can’t find what their looking for when they need it
  • Dread getting dressed in the morning because of their cluttered closet
  • Want to learn from an expert to avoid making mistakes and wasting time
  • Are constantly stepping on clothes while not able to shut the closet door
  • Want the help of a professional organizer but can’t afford the hourly rate
  • Want a concrete organizing plan to follow
  • Are finally ready for a change and want to be shown “how” every step of the way

Here’s what I will SHOW you in this course:

  • Feel overwhelmed by the mess inside their closet
  • How to effectively start AND finish organizing your small closet without distractions
  • How to decide what to keep vs what to get rid of
  • How to creatively use your small space to fit everything you need
  • How to make things accessible despite having a small closet
  • How to decide where things should go
  • How to maintain your closet so you don’t slip back to your old ways
  • How often to re-organize your closet and what tasks need to be performed
  • Habits to adopt and get into the routine of consistently doing


When you sign-up for this course you’ll receive an e-mail with a link to access your online account where you’ll have lifetime access to the videos and printables so you can reuse the course over and over again, whenever you like. You’ll also receive lifetime updates to the course at no extra charge.

10 Step-by-Step Videos

  • How to start and finish organizing your small closet (together we transform a small messy closet into an organized efficient space!)
  • Over 2 hours of video showing you everything you NEED to do to successfully organize your small closet!
  • Small actionable steps to watch and follow
  • Detailed instructions showing you HOW to do everything I teach
  • Lifetime access to all 10 videos!

Closet Organizing Printables

  • Included in the course are my closet organizing printables from getting started to maintaining
  • My 10-step Organizing Process Diagram for organizing any space
  • My list of “Alejandra-Tested” small closet organizing products that maximize space and make things easily accessible (plus where to find them at the best price)
  • All printables come in fun colors and themed patterns
  • All printables are undated which means you can print and use them forever!
  • All printables have type-able fields which means you can type your checklists before printing
  • I explain step-by-step on video how to use each printable
  • Available formats: 8.5″ x 11″, A4


Our goal is to help you get organized, stay organized, and be more productive so you can live your best life without the distraction of clutter. That’s why we invite you to fully use the course for up to 60 days, and if you don’t feel we’ve delivered on my promise, then we’ll happily refund 100% of your money.

We’re assuming 100% of the risk for you because we are so confident that this course works when applied correctly. In fact, we already know it works because our students are living proof. We’ve made investing in this course risk free. You have absolutely nothing to lose and massive amounts to gain that will change your life for the better, if you take action – starting today.

That’s our promise to you.